Note: As you submit this form, please be advised that we cannot apply the requested changes, amend, or bind your coverage based solely on this request. However, we will contact you within one business day to confirm your request.
Call us at 631-754-0562 to discuss insurance solutions.
About Flexible Agency
Flexible Agency Inc is a boutique wholesale broker and program manager offering full-service access to niche insurance markets.
Relationships with the industry’s leading domestic, admitted and non-admitted insurance companies, as well as Lloyds of London, allow us to assess your specific risks and review policy coverage and forms to provide you with creative, alternative insurance coverage solutions in New York and New Jersey.
12 Little Neck Road, Suite 202
Centerport, NY 11721
Our Sister Companies
Ecco Agency, Inc. – Retail Insurance
Stellar Marketing Services – Risk Reduction Services for Protective Safeguards Endorsements